Around Disney......
     This is what you will be seeing for the rest of your program of the Cultural Representative. You will get to go around Disney Property all around to see thing that they made and maybe some of you will be a part of the new thing that they are going to make as well.
     Hoping that you will enjoy Working with Disney or maybe visits them in the near future and looking out for Thai Cast Member that are still working over there.

Outside Disney.....
        Some of us take the time for sight seeing all around United State. These are some of the picture that we would like to share to some of you that still thinking that during free time (after work) with the program what can we do? We try to get together and spend time as much as we can to see, having fun, learn, as well as to be responsible to ourselves and to our work by manage our free time in good deeds. In a way of relax after work, go out and see things.

Thai Cast Members of Walt Disney World Co.
About Vista Way?? | Our Photo Album | Journey After Disney
Thai Cast MembersReach for a Star | Working with Disney 
Memory with Disney  
Our Photo During Disney
Around Walt Disney World...

Here is the entrance of Asia it is call Tiger Tree...
This is a picture beside the Tiger Tree 
Disney Animal Kingdom

It is the symbol of Disney Animal Kingdom.

Everything started Here.....
            The golf ball Ecot Center

Chinese Theater in MGM Studios
MGM Studios 
Orentation Class in Animal Kingdom
Asia Break Room where we have lunch and rest. 

Some Where Outside Disney (Travel Around USA.)

Visit CNN Center in Atlanta

The World of Coke in Atlanta
Clear Water near Tempa

Who's who's?? in the snow
It is cold and fun.

Having fun in the snow

White House in Wahington D.C.

Don't have to say where this is, right?? 



During stay in Disney this is what we see and went......